Sound Healing

Sound is the New Age medicine with Ancient roots

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is a therapy that uses sound vibrations to promote physical and mental well-being. It uses the power of sound to heal and balance our body and mind by creating healing frequencies. These frequencies or frequency ranges reduce stress, alleviate physical pain, improve sleep, clear energy blockages and increase overall energy levels.

What is Sound Therapy with Singing Bowls?

The sound vibrations of the handcrafted SaptaDhaatu singing bowls used at Life Beyond The Mat creates resonances in the body at the physiological and cellular level while taking the mind into a deep relaxing 'Theta' state that initiates the natural healing of the body and mind.

How is Sound Healing unique at Life Beyond The Mat? 

We use premium quality SaptaDhaatu singing bowls as well as Chakra handpan sounds. The techniques and methodologies go beyond the usual sound therapy protocols and encompasses Chakra balancing, Yoga, Pranayam, Philosophy, and more. 

For Individual therapies, we delve deep into a detailed case study and may support the sound therapy with our other services such as yogasan practice, pranayam trainings, meditation and mindfulness programs, and personal coaching and counseling. 

The primary goal is to provide the best suited mix of modern and ancient knowledge and tools for a quick, effective, sustainable, and permanent solution.

Benefits of Sound Healing?

R - Reduces anxiety, stress, fear, tensions, confusion, and anger.

I - Increases confidence, memory, learnability and creative thinking.

H - Helps with chronic illnesses like high BP, diabetes, asthma & more.

C - Clears migraines, insomnia, panic attacks, allergies, and vertigo.

E - Experience deep meditative state with no meditation training.

R - Revitalizes auras of people and spaces for a healthier life.

Trivia for scientific minds...

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." - Nikola Tesla 

Our Singing Bowls are handcrafted from 7 different metals. They produce unique sounds and vibrations when played in specific ways that affect us at a cellular level. These vibrations also help to cleanse and balance the body’s energy centers, known as Chakras. 

- Everything has a vibrational frequency! Every planet, human, organ, cell, bone, tissue and liquid in the body has its own vibrational frequency. All vibrating entities interact to the extent of the energy of the vibrations.

- Stem cell development is now able to use sound instead of chemical markers to invoke building different body parts. (MIT research reference link

- Increase of the wound-healing speed of up to 135 ± 85% (Research details link)  

- Sound stimulates the Vagus nerve which is known to have several health benefits (Link)

- Application of mechanical stimulation, delivered via acoustic vibration, can be used to control complex cell behaviors like Fibroblast cell migration. (US Govt research link)

- There are multiple individual frequencies that are well researched for their healing effects. An  example is the 432Hz Magic frequency. There are many other frequencies, techniques and procedures used depending on the goals and the needs of the clients. 

Start Your Journey Into the World of Sound Healing Today!

Want to learn Sound Therapy?

Who can learn sound therapy?

- Yoga teachers and enthusiasts, healers, and medical practitioners.

- Anyone willing to heal themselves and their loved ones.

What do we Offer?

Online and In-person trainings at Enthusiast and Professional levels.

Our training is based on understanding effects of sound on the body and mind. The core methodology comes from a deeper understanding of imbalances in chakras and case management with a holistic view towards issues faced by those undergoing sound healing.

We provide premium quality handcrafted SaptaDhaatu Chakra singing bowls set (7 bowls) that last a lifetime and more!